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Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Orange is known on its round shape, bright colour and its natural sweet taste. It is popular all over the world as a source of Vitamin C that is one of the nutrients needed in our body. It is said to be that Orange has a low calories but full of nutrients such as dietary fiber, potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin B1, calcium and many more. Orange helps to have a healthy skin and lower the risk for many diseases.
There are varieties of oranges that distinct in each to each other:
  1. Blood or Pigmented orange classified on its red pigment pulp. The reason of a red-maroon colour that develops in this type of orange is said to be the low temperature at night and a high amounts of anthocyanin that make the fruit into red hue. It also categorized into Light Blood Orange and Deep Blood Orange. Includes the varieties of orange as follows: Maltese, Moro, Sanguinelli, Scarlet Navel and Tarocco.
  2. Navel Orange excellent in commercial import and sold in common groceries. The types are: Dream Navel, Cara Cara, Late Navel, Bahia and Washington/ California Navel.
  3. Acid-less Orange early season fruit and called as “sweet oranges” containing little acid.

Orange Health Benefits
  • Prevent Stroke – because of the Compound nutrients that the citrus fruits like oranges have, it may lower the ischemic stroke particularly in women by eating a higher amount of it.
  • Protect against Cancer – obtaining the rich in citrus limonoids, it helps to fight for a variety of cancer such as skin, lung, breast, stomach and colon.
  • Provides a Good Heart Health – contains the Fiber, Vitamin C, Potassium and choline that give a good nutrients need by the heart. It lower the ischemic heart diseases, reduce/protects against cardiovascular disease, reduce the risk of stroke, protects against loss of muscle mass, and many more.
  • Provides Healthy Skin – the antioxidant Vitamin C and beta-carotene that the Orange has, it helps to fight skin damage caused by pollution and heat of the sun and protects cell from damage. It also reduces the wrinkles, improves skin texture, prevent of sign of aging and protect the skin from free radicals.
  • Relieve Constipation – because of the dietary fiber that the orange has it stimulates the digestive systems.
  • Provides Good Eye Health – because of rich in carotenoid compounds which converted into Vitamin A, it protects the vision of the eyes and prevents macular degeneration or vision loss.
  • Prevent Viral Infections – the abundant of polyphenols in orange fruit gives protection against it.
  • Lower Cholesterol – oranges contains a good source of Fiber that helps to prevent atherosclerosis and keeping blood sugar under control.
  • Prevent Kidney Stones – drinking a 1\2 or 1 litre of orange juice, increase the urinary and citric acid excretion by dropping the risk of forming stones.

ORANGE Nutritional List:
  • Vitamin C – 48.5 mg
  • Vitamin A – 230 IU
  • Thiamin – 0.087 mg
  • Riboflavin – 0.040 mg
  • Folates – 39 µg
  • Niacin – 0.274 mg
  • Panthothenic acid – 0.250 mg
  • Pyridoxine – 0.063 mg
  • Potassium – 179 mg
  • Energy – 49 Kcal
  • Carbohydrates – 11.89 g
  • Protein – 0.94 g
  • Total Fat – 0.30 g
  • Dietary Fiber – 2.50 g
  • Calcium – 40 mg
  • Copper – 39 µg
  • Iron – 0.09 mg
  • Magnesium – 10 mg
  • Manganese – 0.023 mg
  • Zinc – 0.06 mg

In using or before eating the Orange fruits make sure to wash it carefully because most orange crops sprayed by Insecticide. It is really important to wash it in cold running water especially if you do not know if it is an Organic orange that doesn’t contain these chemicals.
To those susceptible to FOORBORNE ILLNESS avoid drinking unpasteurized or fresh squeezed juice that may contain harmful bacteria only pasteurized juices can do.
When taking BETA-BLOCKERS avoid high consumed of potassium such as orange and banana because it can cause a high level of potassium in the blood. Particularly for those people who have not fully functional kidneys, it could be fatal if your kidneys are unable to remove excess potassium in the blood.
Those who have gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) can experience heartburn and regurgitation in consuming highly acidic foods.


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